Hey, howsit going!
I'm Cindork, I also go by Cin or Cinny!
They/them ✨31🍗October 14th
Click where you wanna go 👇
Heyoo, my name is Cin!
I'm just a cartoonist doodling silly things that make my boyfriend and I happy, and hope they make someone else happy too!
I can be a real scatterbrain and don't linger on the net as much as I used to, please be patient with me with messages and feel free to remind me if I forget to reply back. (Please don't spam!)
Thanks for visiting my page, I hope you have a great day!

Terms of service
COMMISSIONS GRANT ONLY PERSONAL USE OF MY WORK.❌You are not allowed to use my art or designs for merchandise, prints or reselling purposes.❌You are not allowed to use it for NFT's or AI training✅You are allowed to make personal prints/merchandise for yourself (Please share if you do, I love seeing them!)•✅If a commission / character is made for you feel free to use them as icons, headers, emotes or repost them to your personal page with credit.

My business is not open to those who are racist/homophobic/transphobic/terfs/proshipI don't have time to deeply investigate people's social media presence and can't completely avoid it if my business ends up in the hands of someone who supports these things privately regardless.
Please respect my wishes to not interact, thanks!

I WILL draw 💖:Humans*• Furries • Monsters • Pets • Mecha*• Weapons*
Fanart • OCs • Self-Inserts • Headcanon apperances /traits• NSFW (must be discussed)* They're not my strongest area but I can still give it a shot, feel free to look in my gallery for more examples or ask!My main style is cartoons that range with silliness or something a little more laid back, feel free to share examples of pieces Ive made if you'd like your piece done in a certain style!
I WON'T draw ❌:Anything with the topic of incest, underage characters in sexual or violent situations, child characters in NSFW/fetish scenarios no matter how tame (Even if aged up)Anything that is harmful to, discriminates against or fetishizes people
Thank you for your interest in pledging to my Patreon or Ko-Fi !•At the moment I use it as a tipjar but also a location to offer high quality,full sized images for those interested in my works on a closer level.•At the moment all images are stored in my Discord server but will be set to queue soon on Patreon for easier access and download•I'll never forget your generosity even if you pledge for one payment!